Hilarious Kid Gifs
Well, the holidays are once again upon us, and for most of that means VACATION time! Finally, after working all year, we get a chance to kick back for a few days and relax with family and friends, doing the things we really enjoy – like scrolling through social media and looking at hilarious gifs and memes!
Our favorite funny gifs and memes of 2021
We did a bit of collecting and came back with some funny gifs and memes for you in the blog today, as well as some cute ones that are holiday-related. So go ahead and kick back with your eggnog and enjoy these – and be sure to bring in your favorites next time you come in for a visit, or email them to us. If they make us laugh, we may include them in the next gif blog with your name as the finder!
When that sugar high hits…

Sometimes... 😌💨😳

Watch her eyes when she realizes how tasty this ice cream really is!

We knew as soon as he put the lampshade on his head that he’d always be the life of the party.

That spoon is just so darned uncooperative!

This little girl may not know her own strength, but she really wants this birdie’s snack!

Wait right here, doggie. I’ve just gotta do something real quick…

This little girl does not have time for this mismatched straw and lid! Who can blame her?

When your favorite song comes on, sometimes you just need to break out your best moves like this baby!

Pizza really is hard to eat sometimes!

And it’s hard to keep a hold of sometimes too!

When the drink is so refreshing, you really just want to wear it!

This little guy is so amused, he can’t hold himself up!

This little guy thinks it’s hysterical when his mom sneezes (sound on please).

This kid is trying his best to follow dad’s directions!
This smart family dog appears to understand what the baby is learning to do and jumps in to help teach!

It’s not in gif form yet, but we’re betting it will be soon! This bear seems to think an inflatable Christmas reindeer needs a good talking to!
This poor doggo can’t figure out why his buddy is so scared of him all of a sudden!

Jimmy Fallon’s got the Christmas Spirit–in his own hilarious way!

If you’ve seen the movie ‘Elf’, you’ll remember this moment!

It’s great you finally got Tinkerbell working, but maybe a little further from the fireplace would be better…

And finally, how we all feel after the dentist numbs us...

We hope you enjoyed our gifs and memes today, and we look forward to seeing some of your favorites either in person or over email if you decide to send them. Either way, we at Jungle Roots would like to wish you and your family a healthy and happy holiday season and prosperous New Year – and we look forward to seeing you again at your next visit!

At Jungle Roots Children’s Dentistry & Orthodontics, we strive to provide the highest comprehensive pediatric and orthodontic dental care in a unique, fun-filled environment staffed by a team of caring, energetic professionals. We believe the establishment of a “dental home” at an early age is the key to a lifetime of positive visits to the dentist.
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